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Friday, November 9, 2012

Memories Cherished

Wishing on a star
Childhood dreams revisited
Memories cherished.

Photo and text copyright 2012 by Doris McCraw


  1. Your quilt and words have the feel of childhood.

    1. The quilt was made by my great-grandmother and it has special memories of her. The star is actually both literal and metorphoric. I used to stand outside and watch the stars. The star on the quilt and the stars in the sky both bring back those treasured memories.

  2. I have a quilt my grandmother and great aunts stitched. One afternoon my Mom and her sister, our beloved aunt, sit down with the quilt and recalled the original use of those pieces sewn into the quilt. Such as noting one was from their brother Ralph's favorite shirt or from the dress their aunt Huldah wore to visit the folks back in Iowa, the summer of 1936. My older sister said it was almost like they were looking at a photo album.

    1. I have always loved the stories that quilts can tell. Thank you for sharing your family memories. They are so special.
