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Water's Flow

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sweet Minutes

Sweet twenty minutes
Snow smooth, clear, shining white
Quietly we smile

Photo and text copyright 2015 by Doris McCraw


  1. What a wonderful photo! Love it

    1. Thank you Andrea! Winter can be cold, but so beautiful.

  2. In my 20s and 30s, I loved getting out in the hills outside town and doing some hiking in freshly fallen snow. Never worried about falling and breaking things. Back in the mid-80s, I visited a dear friend in an Ohio town where I worked as a newspaper reporter from 1974 to late 1981. We hiked up a hill called Beck's Nob Hill after a 6-inch snow. Could hear the wind rustling tree branches and sending snow cascading to the ground. Magical moments. Now I spend so much time watching where I step so I don't fall that I'm missing out on these kind of moments.

    1. Those times we had early in our lives are so special. Thank you for sharing yours with me. I'm like you, I have need of watching where I place my feet, but sometimes I just stop and stand still to drink it all in.

  3. Cold? Here? (Ha hah.) Lovely photo and haiku, Doris.

    1. I know, it was almost 50 today and 30 tomorrow then 50 again. I think that's why in winter I enjoy the snow when it falls. Thank you for the kind words, Susan.

  4. Rally like this one. Of course I am a fan of Trees and Critters.
